Reagan Administration meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
The eight long years from Jan. 20, 1981-Jan. 20,1989. The Republican president, Ronald Wilson Reagan worked hard as commander in chief in the war on the middle class. The heinous eCONomic policy called "trickle down economics" or Reganomics cut taxes on the big businesses and the rich. This shifted the tax burden to the middle class and tripled the national debt. Dennis Miller described "trickle down" best when he acknowledged this truth: "they admit it-- they're gonna piss on you!"
Along with the terrible eCONomic policy, Ronald Reagan worked to destroy unions (remember air traffic controllers' strike?) During the Reagan Administration, the U.S. backed Saddam Hussein during his war with Iran and helped to establish the Taliban to help Afganistan fight off the Soviet Union. (Funny how the G.O.P. changed course on this)

Reagan Administration definition by Urban Dictionary
