Abbas's Fatah discusses expansion of 'intifada'

  • 9 years ago
The West claims that Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas is a "peace partner" for Israel, even as his Fatah party continues to encourage terrorist attacks against Israelis.
On Thursday, representatives of Abbas's Fatah movement met in Beirut with representatives of Hamas, headed by Khaled Mashaal, to discuss ways to expand the wave of terrorism, which they call an "intifada" against Israel.
According to a report on Hamas's website, the two sides agreed on the need to thwart "the Israeli plan" allow religious Jews to worship on the Temple Mount, to bring an end to the "occupation", dismantle the Israeli "settlements" and protect the holy places, headed by Jerusalem.
The report further said that the sides also agreed to coordinate the work of the Palestinian Arab factions in the struggle against Israel and in promoting the implementation of the national reconciliation plan.
