Gaza flotilla detainees await expulsion from Israel in jail

  • 9 years ago
Detained protesters from the Gaza flotilla’s Marianne are being held inside Givon prison in Ramla, Israel, and most if not all are expected to be released later today.

Three activists have already been released, including a former president of Tunisia and Spain’s only crew member, Ana Miranda. She was expelled from Israel by plane.

“Israel acted quickly to stop the 3th flotilla to Gaza, and with maximum discretion to avoid any huge diplomatic incident. The government of Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to avoid at any price a row or negative media exposure like during the assault on the Mavi Marmara in 2010. And Tel Aviv says the maritime blockade of Gaza will continue,” says euronews’ Luis Carballo.

When the flotilla left Crete last Friday the crew had been heavily vetted by organisers to prevent any repetition of 2010’s violence, and it was carrying only humanitarian aid. But Israel was determined to prevent it landing anyway.

The whereabouts of the other flotilla ships is unknown.
