Destination Weddings
  • 10 years ago
Destination Weddings - Are you planning a Caribbean Wedding?
There are over 30 different countries in the Caribbean, each with its own individual atmosphere, culture, terrain and environment.
You may want somewhere quiet or maybe you would prefer a bustling, lively place. You should do your research to establish what qualities each place has to offer.

If there's a large party attending your wedding ceremony you may like the idea of holding your Ceremony in Nassau, Bahamas. This buzzing down town area would certainly
Add an element of excitement to the proceedings, thanks to its wonderful scenery,
Numerous restaurants, shops and hotels. Another bonus is Paradise Island where 'The
Atlantis' is a major tourist attraction.

A lower key part of this area is Grand Bahama which has two (2) main areas as well as the Lucaya district which is central for tourists. It has everything you would need to host a wedding
But is far quieter than other places. Still, there are enough hotels, shops and places to eat to make a wedding here a memorable occasion.
The terrain in the Bahamas is quite flat so this makes for a more leisurely vacation experience.

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Destination Weddings
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