Green Energy via Spaghetti - #POGOBAT

  • 10 years ago

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Edited by David Wright
Thumbnail by Karen Kavett
Intro by Rob Scallon

Rough Transcript:

“I don't get it. What did that little dftba-excursion have to do with the no war question? You talked more about that than the "actual" question. This felt like all you wanted was a "smooth" segue way to a catchy video title.” -JustSomeGermanDude

German dude! This, is a bowl of spaghetti noodles ...I let them grow cold so as to match my soul. Do you know what I do on YouTube German Dude? I do this. I throw spaghetti against the wall just to see what sticks… and I throw it hard and wild. If you watch Pogobat you will, from time to time, be slapped by my noodle. It might sting, but stick around and I’ll find a way to please you with my noodle too.

Dear Dan, Can you my dear gentleman please explain the phrase: "To shot the shit"
Sincerely Jacob.

Well, “to shot” something is not the same thing as “to have shot” something. Then it would just be the past tense of “shoot” and this would be simple. “To have shot the shit” would just mean that you once fired a projectile at a pile of poop. See, sometimes in English we “verbify” nouns. For example you can turn the noun “verb” into a verb by saying “verbify.” Or if, for example, I said “oh man I potatoed that girl so hard!” that would mean I gave a fine young lady a potato. I can only assume that the “shot” we’re referring to is like a shot, like a syringe. So “to shot the shit” is to inject something into a turd.

Hey Dan,
I was thinking about producing clean energy and unemployment, and I realized that we could put the unemployed people on bikes attached to generators and have them produce electricity. It wouldn't have to be mandatory, and we could pay people based off of how much electricity they produced. At least then they could have a way to make a living, right? -Brendan

I like where your head’s at Brendan, but why not use Hamsters

I mean, we’d need a lot of hamsters... That might cause some problems. And I guess it doesn’t really do anything to tackle unemployment… unless you want to be a hamster breeder. Let’s back up! First, a world where we put poor people on bikes to generate power strikes me as weird at best, and downright dystopian at worst. Second, I think you grossly overestimate how much power one human on a bicycle can produce. I mean, I haven’t done the math or anything, but I don’t imagine it’s much. Particularly when you consider that they’re not making new energy: they’re essentially just converting the calories from their last meal into electricity. If you factor in that you’d need to feed these folks I don’t think you’ll...