Tokyo Woman Substitutes Toilet Plunger for Subway Pole

  • 11 years ago
One unidentified woman opted to bring a toilet plunger along with her for a subway ride. She placed the suction end of the tool right on the ceiling of the subway.

At certain times of the day, finding a subway seat is like landing the jackpot.

Even nabbing a fractional piece of one of the poles can be a lucky, rare occurrence.

As a creative approach to being bucked around on the Tokyo subway, one unidentified woman decided to be original. She brought a plunger along with her for the ride. The woman had placed the suction end of the special tool right on the ceiling of the subway.

The Tokyo subway is said to be the busiest in the world. Over 3 billion passengers ride it every year. Breaking it down, the subway sees about 8.7 million daily riders so it's not surprising to see commuters looking for an edge.

Passengers took photos of the lady, who seems to be perfectly content, standing and grasping the handler of the toilet plunger.
Although it’s certainly an innovative way to avoid falling, web users who have seen the photos wondered whether or not the plunger was new.

What do you think of her idea?
