Dating Safety Tips for Women

  • 13 years ago
Dating Safety Tips for Women - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Some very important safety tips while dating: first of all, let’s tackle internet dating. When you’re setting up something on the internet, never meet them at your home or anywhere at your work. Meet them in coffee shops until you get to know them well, and do not give out your street address. I also recommend, I’m going to say, for internet dating, make up an email that you’re using only for internet dating, so that if something does happen, he doesn’t have access to your real email. Get a voicemail number if you’re really concerned about him having your phone number or your cell number. And when you’re going out on a date with a guy, make sure that you’re--till you know him very well--you’re in a public place, and somebody knows at all times where you are.
