Special Olympic Games; Visit of Pakistani contingent to various historical places | maan news

  • last year
The athletes of the Pakistani contingent participating in the Special Olympic World Games have been visited by the organizing committee in Berlin to various historical places. The players were taken to the Berlin Wall, the German Parliament, the Futurmuseum, the main railway station, Berlin's largest Central Park and a school for special children. The players and officials of the Pakistani team took photos and selfies with the historic wall, while being informed about the historical background of the Berlin Wall. On a visit to the Future Museum, the athletes were very impressed by seeing the robots and other modern technology being produced in Germany in the next 30 years. For athletes from other countries including Pakistan participating in the World Games, there was also a grand show in Berlin's biggest theater. The event was organized in which the organizers welcomed the participants and shared their thoughts on the background of the Games and the mega event starting from June 17.
