#1 Extreme Fat loss Diet - Lose 10 Kg , Healthy diet for good health

  • 2 years ago

In this video we will share with you a practical full day diet plan which can easily make you lose 10 kg. This is extreme fat loss diet. This isn’t any fad diet but a well balanced low calorie Indian diet plan. The recipes in this diet are very simple, very Indian, nothing Fancy. As it is a pure vegetarian diet, anybody can follow it. Not only I will show you the meals but also how to prepare them. Plate power – 10 tips for healthy eating
Choose good carbs, not no carbs. ...
Pay attention to the protein package. ...
Choose foods with healthy fats, limit foods high in saturated fat, and avoid foods with trans fat. ...
Choose a fiber-filled diet, rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.