Want to Purge Your Social Media Timelines? Can You Spare a Few Hours?

  • 6 years ago
Want to Purge Your Social Media Timelines? Can You Spare a Few Hours?
The process was agonizing: I watched years of my youth play back in slow motion, including dated, satirical jokes and photos of myself wearing vintage clothing back when
that was a fashion trend, before the tool deleted each post one at a time.
While the social networks portray their products as time capsules of your fondest memories
and conversations, the experience of poring through past posts is more like rummaging through a digital junk drawer of good, bad and ugly moments.
And the hoarded data is just sitting out there for others to see, including potential employers who are doing background checks
and any enemies who may be trying to dig up something against us.
“It’s always there to haunt you.”
Read Kevin Roose’s column on three ways to rescue social media from the market forces that have created widespread unease.
The problem was, even after I used the app to scrub through my entire timeline six times, the tool missed about a dozen posts.
There’s no button to set ablaze a large swath of content, like a year’s worth or even a month’s worth of posts.
