Athletic Greens Wilmington Wonderful Five Star Review by Bijous-Mom

  • 9 years ago (888) 826-9938 Athletic Greens Wilmington reviews
5 Star Review

I learned of Athletic Greens from a friend who directed me to their website. My husband and I are both 79 yrs old. I started him on the product as he has only 30% lung function and has 4 stents. Pneumonia is always dreaded by those on oxygen 24/7 which my husband has been since 2006. In this period of time (2006 to present) he had Pneumonia 3 times. Since we started the Athletic Greens he has had no bouts with pneumonia. I decided to start Athletic Greens for myself in early July 2015. I would testify that I feel more energetic, sleep better and wake earlier ready to enjoy the rest of my life.

Athletic Greens
427 N Tatnall St #20782
Wilmington Delaware

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