Are you utilizing the power of animated explainer videos and why not ?

  • 11 năm trước
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Are you utilizing the power of animated explainer videos and why not?

Video trends
90% of web traffic is predicted to be video by 2014.
Watching online videos is now a mainstream activity. 78% of people watch videos online at least once a week, and 55% watch videos every day.
There's a rise in video trend searching of almost 122% whenever people see a new product or service online.

Customer engagement
A two-minute video is all it takes to convince a person that your business is worth buying from!
Did you know that after 72 hours of visiting a certain website, people remember only 10% of the text, 65% of the images and visuals, and a staggering 90% of the video?
80% of users who watch the complete video will click on other links to learn more about your products/services.

Increasing business-to-business sales:
75%—That's the percent of executives who told Forbes that they watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. The results break down like this:
50% watch business-related videos on YouTube.
65% visit the marketer's website after viewing a video.

Increasing business-to-customer sales:
50 to 85% of customers are more likely to make a purchase once they see an accompanying explainer video.
Video explanations have helped many businesses increase their revenue by at least 20%.
Four in 10 shoppers visit a store online or in person as a direct result of watching a video.

Search engine optimization benefits:
Video is ranking highest in search engine results. A video has a 53 times greater chance of ranking on the first result page than any textual page.
Video results appear in about 70% of the top 100 listings in Google.
On average, a website visitor will stay two minutes longer on a site when they watch a video.

Still not convinced?
You only get 10 seconds to grab your visitors' attention when they land on your site before they click away.
The first few minutes spent on your website are crucial for the trust and healthy long-term relationship you build with your customers.
Videos speak far more than 10,000 words. According to Dr. James McQuivey at Forrester Research, a video is worth 1.8 million words. If you wrote web content for a year, you would be lucky to write half that much!

John is using video animation instead of business cards.

If I ever get into a conversation with someone about what I do, I can whip out a device and show them on the spot using my phone, iPod, or tablet.
My animated videos have generated as many leads as my business cards.
Having a single video to showcase your stuff would be 100 times better than having a visiting card to show wherever you go.

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