Pizza Stone - Good Product Review for Ceramic Pizza Stone

  • 11 years ago
The home cook can come genuine close to the quality of cooked pizza crust of expert pizza chefs by utilizing a pizza stone. A pizza stone increases the temperature level and quantity of heat that is straight used to the pizza, so that it not only cooks on the top, but from the bottom.

To prepare pizza on a pizza stone, you naturally require a paddle and a stone, or peel. The peel is generally made from wood, and transfers the raw pizza straight onto the hot stone, and also eliminates it when done.

Always place your pizza stone in the oven before you turn it on. Putting a cold pizza stone in a hot oven is inviting disaster, for the pizza stone can break. Heat the pizza stone for at least 30 minutes; an hour would be even better. For pizza, the majority of times the temperature level to set your oven at is 500-550. This permits the pizza to prepare rapidly, an additional key of expert pizza chefs.

With a little experience, a pizza stone will not only bake a fantastic pizza, but also bread, calzone, focaccia, stromboli, practically anything. With a little care and appropriate use, your pizza stone will last a long period of time, establish a patina and get better with age!
