"It can't take forever": SC Slams speaker again| Shivsena| CM Shinde| Uddhav Thackeray| Chandrachud

  • 8 months ago
"“Somebody has to advise the Speaker that he cannot defeat the orders of the Supreme Court. The SC bench headed by CJI DY Chandrachud has slammed the Maharashtra assembly speaker while hearing the Shiv Sena disqualification plea case.

Let's understand the full story but before that, if you are watching this on Facebook do like our page and if you are watching this on Youtube do subscribe to HW News English.

Criticizing the Maharashtra Assembly speaker for the second time in less than a month.
The Supreme Court on Friday said a decision on the Shiv Sena disqualification matter has to be taken well before the next elections. ""It can't take forever,"" Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said, adding that the delay risks making the disqualification proceedings ""infructuous"".

""We will keep the matter for Tuesday. Let the Speaker give a time schedule. If not, we will give a timeframe for the completion of the proceedings. The order of this court has to be followed,"" the bench said. This means if the speaker does not give a time frame the court will be intervening.

The court said it respects all branches of constitutional authorities and had not set a deadline because it trusts the Speaker to act responsibly. ""But is worried about the dignity of the court"".
The court also reiterated that No step has been taken in six months.""

The court had on September 18 asked Mr. Narwekar to set up a timeline to decide the disqualification petitions against Mr. Shinde and the rebel MLAs. The court had even then asked Mr Narvekar to maintain the court's dignity.

Now let's discuss what is the status of the hearing of disqualification pleas by Mr Narvekar, which the SC had on May 11th, 2022 directed the speaker to decide on the disqualification of rebel MLAs under the Tenth Schedule in reasonable time.

During the third hearing on the disqualification issue on Thursday, petitioners from the Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena (UBT) demanded that the petitions of both factions be clubbed together for the hearing and also sought permission to submit additional petitions regarding events that happened after the filing of the original petition on June 24, such as Eknath Shinde’s meeting the governor to stake a claim to forming the government on June 29.
The Shinde faction on the other hand has opposed the demand.
Mr Narwekar is expected to give the ruling on the demands from both sides on October 20.

If the final verdict goes against the Shinde faction then not only just Mr. Shinde and the rebel MLAs be disqualified but this could also trigger a major exodus from his party to the Uddhav Thackeray Shiv Sena. And this can be a major blow to the Shinde Shiv Sena ahead of the Big elections. And will the BJP then entertain Mr Shinde?

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