Sexiest twins in Taiwan: Car show models show off revealing wedding pictures

  • 9 years ago

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Taiwanese models, twin sisters Elin Tsai and Penny Tsai, earlier this week announced their joint wedding plans in a rather unorthodox way. They shot naked wedding pictures together. The pictures were published this Wednesday by TomoNews' sister company, Next Magazine.

The sisters started their careers as car show models 12 years ago. The 31-year-old twins quickly won an otaku fan base, and are dubbed by local media as Taiwan's 'hottest twins'.

In addition to working as models, the Tsai sisters also own a wedding photo studio together. The twins said the nude wedding pictures were shot in secret as a surprise for their respective husbands-to-be. Elin, the older sister, is marrying the twin's agent, while Penny, the younger sibling, is marrying their makeup artist.

The foursome were caught by Next Magazine shopping for engagement rings together on May 2. Elin and her fiance were then seen shopping for baby clothes after they bid adios to the other couple.

As admitting to a pregnancy in the first trimester is taboo in the Taiwanese culture, she has not confirmed the baby rumors. However, she has said that she and her other half "have always been working towards starting a family."

Congratulations, girls.


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